The COVID-19 pandemic put the brakes on large gatherings all over the world. Most businesses have been wrestling with Yes or No questions: Can we open for business? Is the office open? Some businesses have been TOLD whether they can open or not, but most have to wrestle with the Yes/No decision-making pretzel.
That includes Good Leadership.
“Yes” or “No”
Right up until COVID, I considered myself a “professional speaker” who also produced “inspirational events.” In March, we tried our hand at broadcasting the Good Leadership Breakfast with an iPhone over Facebook Live. We got an A for courage and innovation, and a C-minus for production quality. We upgraded slightly in April. We canceled May, because our speaker Brian Cornell, CEO of Target, had to stay focused on his main job – which meant we got a free pass to pause and think.
So, over the early summer, my moral compass was spinning in search of the new direction. Our team was wondering about the future of the Good Leadership Breakfast Series – is it “yes” we will find a way, or “no” it’s run its course. Then, one of our sponsors asked the question: “Can’t we figure out a way to produce the Mother-of-all-Zoom Meetings?” That question defined our pivot point, and allowed us to say “YES!”
HOLD THE DATE: Thursday, August 20, 9-10 AM Central Standard Time
The August breakfast is when we focus on Young Leaders. This year, that’s more important than ever. Our young leaders are faced with challenge of thriving through life in a world-wide pandemic, while also unpacking the emotional trauma after the unjust death of George Floyd. When I called Kevin Warren – the first Black Commissioner of the Big Ten – he jumped at the chance to be our speaker.
Masters Alliance and TCF Bank stepped up to sponsor this “Mother-of-all-Zoom Meetings.” That allowed us to hire a television production crew, and book a spectacular venue appropriate for a social distance small group of people to be the studio audience. What’s beautiful about this concept? Our clients and friends all over the world can participate!
You can watch a promo video here. You can purchase tickets here.
So…will you say “yes” or “no” to this invitation to join us?