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Good Leadership’s research has shown you can’t have an effective organization without good leadership. You can’t have good leadership without goodness. Healthy Accountability is the glue for how goodness pays.
The Pathway to Healthy Accountability™ is a continuous cycle focused on five key elements that enhance leadership and engagement. In modern organizations, which operate as teams of teams, a shared sense of accountability is essential, as highlighted by Good Leadership’s accountability research.
When accountability is healthy, excellent business results follow.
Are you ready to strengthen accountability in your organization?
In 2012, Paul Batz and Tim Schmidt wrote these words in their bestselling book, What Really Works. We do not believe in the notion of work/life balance. With Good Leadership coaching, leaders learn that “work” and “life” are not sacrificed for one another. Good leaders today know how to blend their work life and home life effectively as measured by the Seven Fs: Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness, Friends, Fun and Future. Arranged alphabetically, they tell a powerful story about how good leaders radiate goodness.
Build your community by networking with like-minded professionals and learn success habits from dynamic leaders.
Engage in a 15-minute discussion with the Good Leadership team to explore how we could best work together.
Schedule a 1-hour consultative interview to discuss the 3 things organizations must get right to achieve operational assurance.
Together, build minimum, better, best options so you get desired results, faster and easier.
Ensuring organizational effectiveness through operational assurance with the belief that Goodness Pays.