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The Good Leadership Podcast explores what leadership looks like today, and shares insights and success habits from hosts and executive team coaches, Paul Batz and Kevin Sensenig.

You will learn how to lead teams effectively and what it means to coach teams.

Episode 34: Making the Switch to Quantitative Research

In today’s episode, Paul Batz & Kevin Sensenig discuss an exciting milestone in the Accountability Research Project that has been reached. After completing nearly 200 qualitative interviews in 30+ organizations, the qualitative survey launched on August 19. This shift allows the research team to move from capturing personal stories to measuring these insights on a broader scale.

Episode 33: Proactive vs. Reactive Accountability with Charles Thompson​

Today's episode of the Good Leadership Podcast features Charles Thompson, one of the fifteen Accountability Research Steering Team Members. If you've been following along, you'll know that CEO Paul Batz has had the chance to sit down with four steering team members to discuss how being a part of the research has influenced their thinking about the subject, and about their personal leadership. Charles is the Talent Development Director, VP at Old National Bank. Listen as Charles discusses both the proactive and reactive accountability that he sees within his organization, and how his personal leadership has been changing based on what he has learned through his project.

Episode 32: Visioning for Healthy Accountability with Becca Hagen

Paul Batz, CEO of Good Leadership, is joined in today's podcast by Becca Hagen, Vice President of Talent at Securian Financial. Based in Minnesota, Securian has been providing insurance and retirement solutions for 140 years. Becca, with over 25 years in HR and a valued member of the Accountability Research Project steering team, shared her insights on creating a culture of healthy accountability in her organization. Becca’s team has an important role to play in defining the culture required for better performance. Being a part of the steering team has ignited an excitement in her to introduce healthy accountability into Securian’s culture. She’s starting to notice small changes within herself as she interacts with her teams and employees across the organization differently. 

Episode 31: A Conversation on Accountability with Amy Cook

On today’s episode, Good Leadership CEO, Paul Batz discusses healthy accountability with another one of the Accountability Research Steering Team members. Amy Cook, Global Talent Director with Reckitt, shares her valuable insights on the subject. Most people do not recognize the organization Reckitt by its name but know the organization by way of their product lines such as Lysol and Enfamil. In recent years, the world was faced with two different crises that leaned heavily on some of their products – the Covid-19 pandemic, and the infant formula crisis. In the interview, Amy touches on accountability in crisis, as well as what it looks like when you work for leaders who are good at holding their employees accountable in a healthy way, and how she believes her involvement in the Accountability Research Project has influenced her personal leadership.  

Episode 30: Changing Perspectives through Healthy Accountability with Darin Lynch

The Accountability Research Project is well underway. Good Leadership took the lead on coordinating the project, but the Steering Team of 15 executives from 15 companies across the U.S. was instrumental in shaping the project and kicking off the research. Darin Lynch, Founder and CEO of Irish Titan based in Minneapolis, MN is one of those steering team members. On today’s podcast, Paul Batz interviews Darin Lynch about his experience as a part of this project, how it is changing his perspective on leadership in his organization, and what he is already doing differently to improve the accountability in his organization. 

Episode 29: Manager Consistency: What We Mean and Why It Matters

The Spring 2024 Good Leadership Breakfast series was titled: Celebrating the Magic of Managers. In today’s podcast, Paul Batz and Kevin Sensenig reflect on what they learned from the three speakers this spring around the importance of managers in their organization and how to best support those in this long-overlooked position. Good Leadership offers specific programming for managers that help create consistency in Teams of Teams environments, to help minimize the whip-lash employees feel when working within several teams within the organization. Learn more at

Episode 28: Celebrating the Magic of Managers: Uplifting Managers with Kristine Fortman

Join Paul Batz and Kevin Sensenig on the Good Leadership Podcast as they recall the May 2024 Good Leadership Breakfast, featuring Kristine Fortman, CEO of the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. In this episode, learn how she blended her love of science with a desire to uplift the voices of those leading her teams. She leads by honoring the differing and unique talents of each leader, adapting her leadership style to match the needs of each unique situation, and by honoring questions – both asking and answering – to make sure her teams are aligned.

Episode 27: Paul Batz featured on The Learn-It-All Podcast

Good Leadership’s CEO, Paul Batz, shares a podcast in which he was the featured interview. The Learn-It-All Podcast is produced by Learnit, based in San Francisco. Learnit provides flexible learning solutions designed to empower organizations to thrive today and prepare for tomorrow. Good Leadership was introduced to Learnit through the Accountability Research Project, and Learnit CEO, Damon Lembi, asked Paul if he could interview him for his listeners. Once you’ve finished listening to today’s podcast – don’t forget to check out other episodes of The Learn-It-All Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Youtube. 

Episode 26: Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is a hot topic in workplaces right now. By definition, psychological safety is the belief that you won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. Paul Batz and Kevin Sensenig reflect on an article published on called “Psychological Safety and Accountability: Three Insights From NLI’s Conversation with Amy Edmondson”. Listen to their thoughts on the article, and how the topics of psychological safety and accountability intersect and how they can work with, or if used incorrectly - against, each other. 

Episode 25: Defining Accountability: What Does It Mean?

Paul Batz and Kevin Sensenig use the data gathered from the Accountability Research Steering Team members to create a definition of accountability that feels accurate to what people are seeking in their workplaces today. Listen as they discuss the many definitions that contributed to the conversation, the key themes, and how Good Leadership will define accountability as a part of this project.  If you are not familiar with 2024 Accountability Research Project, visit the episode that was released on November 22 entitled “Exciting News”.