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Accountability Research

finding The secrets to creating healthy accountability in a highly collaborative culture

  • The Why:
    Technical and professional growth organizations are accelerating a profound shift in how businesses operate today: from a traditional, hierarchical structure to a collaboration-based, teams of teams model. Employees are demanding a more free-flowing work environment and employers are responding accordingly – in the office and with work from home. The problem: very few leaders have figured out how to create healthy accountability where employees are consistently seeking accountability for the most important work.
Graphic about transition from traditional culture to goodness culture
Graphic about transition from traditional culture to goodness culture
  • The What:
    Good Leadership has launched a research project to determine the keys to creating healthy accountability in a highly collaborative workforce culture. The research will provide a new and fresh definition of accountability that can be the source of training, coaching, and development in growth-oriented organizations. The research will culminate with The Good Leadership Conference in November to share the findings through panel discussions, table workshops, and a keynote. The research will provide specific direction for how leaders can create and maintain stronger and healthier accountability at the C-Suite, Vice-President/Director and Manager/Supervisor levels.
  • The How:

    The research will include qualitative and quantitative data collection to provide a roadmap for growth-oriented companies to improve accountability while preserving their collaborative culture.

    Good Leadership invited organizations to join the Steering Team to help shape the research and participate in presenting at the conference in November 2024. These organizations and individuals have been integral in preparing the research questions, introducing their network into the project, and thinking through pragmatic and actionable deliverables upon the conclusion of the work. Thank you to the Steering Team:

    1. John Andrews – CEO – Northern Star Scouting
    2. Grace Clark – Director of US Leadership Development & Corporate Learning
    3. Amy Cook – Global Talent Director – Reckitt
    4. Candace Dingmann – VP  Global Shared Services – Organon
    5. Paul Engleson – Senior Manager, Leadership Development
    6. Kristi Fox – EVP Chief Administrative Officer – Securian Financial
    7. Liz Geist – VP Human Resources – Chicago Bears
    8. Steve Gordon – AVP, Business Process Excellence – Merck
    9. Becca Hagen – VP Talent Management – Securian Financial
    10. Darin Lynch – CEO and Founder – Irish Titan
    11. George McCrary – EVP for People and Culture, YMCA of the North
    12. Scott Morris – VP, Medium Enterprise – Workday
    13. Tim Schober – Sr. Director of Development and Communication – Boys & Girls Club of the Twin Cities
    14. Charles Thompson – VP, Talent Development Director – Old National Bank
    15. Craig Warren – CEO – Washburn Center for Children
  • The When:
    The research will begin in March of 2024 and will conclude in Fall 2024. The Good Leadership Conference, where the results of the research will be revealed, is scheduled for November 22, 2024 in Minneapolis.
  • Research Hypothesis:
    Healthy Accountability comes from strong interpersonal connections and managers who are skilled at building shared commitments.


Participation Partner


  1. Qualitative 30-minute Interviews with 3 employees in May/June/July (Executive, Team Lead, and Employee)
  2. Quantitative 15-minute Survey in August/September (3 Executives, 6 Team Leaders, and 60 Employees – numbers can be adjusted to fit your organization)


  1. Summary of the full research report
  2. Summary of the data collected in your Organization
  3. Opportunity to attend mid-point webinar (May 22)
  4. Opportunity to participate in the Good Leadership Conference (November 22)

Learn more about how to become a research partner:


Learn more about the Accountability Research Project in the Good Leadership Podcast.

Download Summary Sheet

View or download information on the Accountability Research Project in PDF form.