Drawing to an Insight Straight

Anyone whose ever played cards, knows the exhilaration of drawing exactly the cards you need. It doesn’t happen often.

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Richard Leider, Gustavus Leadership Guru

Even the most seasoned game-players get a little giddy when they have drawn to an inside straight, and they know they have the winning hand.

At the invitation of President Jack Ohle, I attended a special meeting of legendary people within the Gustavus tradition. Chaplains, Scholars, Professors, Academic Deans, Pastors…and a couple of simpletons like me. On first-glance, we were a good hand. The special cards that completed the hand were legendary thought-leaders Richard Leider and Larry Spears. Leider is a 1966 Gustavus graduate who has achieved international acclaim as a writer and leadership coach around the concept of ‘finding your purpose.’ His writings and teaching are modern day psalms. Larry Spears is a masterful writer and thinker, whose dedicated his life to Servant Leadership. As the President of the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, he personally led the movement to put Servant Leadership on the map. Today, he has the freedom to help fill out the hand of groups like ours.

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Larry Spears, Servant Leader Guru

Together, Leider and Spears, turned our collective hand…into an inside straight. Better yet, and ‘insight straight.’ As we all put our cards on the table, we realized we have a winning idea — a purpose with potential to change the game in private college education. Curious?

For now, we’re holding the cards close to the vest. When it’s time, we’ll share the secret. At the very least, I hope you can feel the energy of knowing you are a part of the insight straight.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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