Good Leaders: What is a bold move for you?

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IT executive Monte Nuckols flew into MSP for the ACG BOLD Awards Nominations event.
IT executive Monte Nuckols flew into MSP for the ACG BOLD Awards Nominations event. He told his bold story on video in our office.

A client flew into town last week to celebrate a really bold move we made together in 2016. Monte Nuckols and I recorded a video message about the maneuver, and then headed off to the BOLD Awards Nomination reception for the Minnesota Association for Corporate Growth. His quarter billion dollar project finished on time and $30M under budget. That’s bold!

The BOLD Move

“What we were doing had never been done before,” Monte smiled. “I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s true. No one had ever done a $250M global information technology separation – during a merger – in 15 months. Never.”  At the peak of the project he had 800 people working around the clock, around the globe – spending $25M a month.

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Monte and I learned our project is a finalist for a 2016 ACG BOLD Award. We are happy!
Monte and I learned our project is a finalist for a 2016 ACG BOLD Award. We are happy!

Truth be told, it didn’t start very well. Five months into the project a senior executive gave the IT portion of the project a vote of no confidence.  That’s when Monte called in Good Leadership to get the project back on track.

“Our Team Momentum Survey report came back all red! Which meant we did not have a plan the team believed in…or alignment anywhere!” recalled Monte. “So the Good Leadership coaches got in our face and helped us lead in totally different ways.”

Our finest hour?

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My former office mate Darin Lynch, CEO of Irish Titan, was one of the judges. Monte enjoyed buttering him up!

Monte reflected on the enormity of the challenge in ways that made me proud of my craft and our team: “Looking back on this project, I really think this may be the defining moment of my career – it was my finest hour as a leader,” he reflected. “We learned so much about how to work together better under pressure – how to tap into the individual gifts of the people important to our success.  And honestly, we learned that Goodness really does pay.”

BOLD Awards Finalist

The Minnesota award is a local chapter of the national Association for Corporate Growth. Each year they award winners in several categories from non-profit to large BOLDAppcorporate BOLD Moves. Monte was thrilled to know his project was a finalist – alongside the building of US Bank Stadium by the Minnesota Vikings.  The award ceremony is held at the end of February. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!

Good leaders recognize when they need the help of others to get a big job done. And they tap into the goodness of others to make happen.

Congratulate Monte and the team here.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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