Last Friday was our biggest Good Leadership Breakfast event since we started in 2010. By encouraging our regular ticket-holders to bring a “young leader” for free, we added 118 young people to the attendance. But, that wasn’t the only reason we had new people in the room. Here’s why:
In January of this year, our creative team of Chloe Radcliffe, Kelsey Meyer-Schalkle, Tasha Herlofsky and I ventured into podcasting. Like other things in life, it seemed like an easy endeavor – until we tried to produce our own! After days and days of trial and error, we landed on a strategy that meets our expectations for excellence.

In general “goodness” is a difficult subject to talk about – it’s not a word in the common vernacular of business. Most people hear about goodness from their grandmothers, or in some form of spiritual context, and lately in the grocery store as a synonym for “organic.” So…what was our unique angle on goodness?
Actually, we decided to feature the ideas about goodness through the voice of our clients and speakers at the Good Leadership Breakfast. Since this year’s first Good Leadership Breakfast in February, we have been re-broadcasting the message from our speakers with a specific twist: two Good Leadership coaches provide commentary about what they heard and appreciate about the message. We call our strategy: Monday Morning Quarterback.

What’s exciting now, is we have our first sponsor for the podcast (it’s expensive to produce.) Matt Norman, CEO of the Dale Carnegie franchises in the upper midwest, offered to sponsor. And, he’s helping us promote the podcasts as one of the ways we spread goodness. So…the question is: Are you willing to listen to and promote the podcasts to your network too?

This fall, you will hear podcasts featuring the breakfast speakers, and also a five-part series about the upcoming book: How Goodness Pays. You can listen to the first in the series. And if you missed last week, you can hear the uncharacteristically wise commentary about goodness from the August speaker, 29-year-old Lindsey Riley. Her podcast is called: An Unexpected Journey. I just listened to it today…finally, after 8 months, we’ve found our voice!
Good leaders put their reputations on the line to live healthy lives of goodness. And they promote the books, events, and podcasts that help them to be a better leader.
Please share with me: What podcasts are you listening to for goodness?