Ho, Ho Who’s That?

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Who is that Santa Claus? (Jeffry Brown)
Have you ever walked by the Santa booth at the shopping mall and wondered: “Who is that human being behind the red suit and white beard?”

One of the things that motivates the coaches, consultants and affiliates of our firm is giving back. We are an ‘altruistic’ bunch. Perhaps that’s the reason why Jeffry Brown looks forward to his role as St. Nick this time of year. To know him is to love him…Browny has the happy-go-lucky engaging style and bright white hair. But his wife makes him trim and shave on a regular basis… otherwise, he could fool us as St. Nick all year round.

Perhaps you are thinking “What am I doing for others this time of year?” Are you feeling compelled to buy toys for the ‘tots?’ Could you sponsor a family? This time of year people need hats and mittens, blankets and the extra change in your pockets. What can you do TODAY?

These particular St. Nick pics of Jeffry Brown were taken the first weekend in December, on a day where Santa Claus visited a children wing of a hospital. Many of the kids in care were too sick to sit on Santa’s lap. But their family and friends were overjoyed to know that Santa likes to hang out in the hospital.

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Santa Brown collecting Christmas wishes at the hospital
As we ponder our blessings this time of year, how about saying a quiet ‘thank you’ to the thousands and thousands of “Jeffry Browns” of the Western world who keep the magic of Santa Claus alive.

Send me a note and share what you are doing in your personal role as Santa Claus this year. I’d love to know.

Thanks Jeff…see ya next year?[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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