How do you keep score?

What the heck is ‘success?’ The New Orleans Saints are feeling successful this morning — the Colts not so much. In the game last night, the scoreboard had the Saints ahead when the clock ran out. Most athletes consider anyone who played in a Super Bowl successful…its all about how you keep score.

When was the last time you asked yourself this question: Am I getting ahead, or falling behind? The answer assumes you have a personal scorecard – a set of goals and expectations you have for yourself that make your life worth living.

Today is a really important day for Tim Schmidt and me. Tim and I are writing a book about how Good leaders build their scorecards. We’ve noticed these seven concepts alive and active in people we admire: faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun and future. The 7Fs! This evening, Tim and I will host a dinner for more than a dozen people we truly admire for a deep discussion on how the 7Fs are present in their lives. It’s our kickoff.

By September, you will be able to read about what we’ve learned. The book is called: What Really Works: How the 7Fs Can Propel You to the Life You Imagine. We’re in the first quarter of our big game — let’s hope we have as much joy and satisfaction along the way as the New Orleans Saints.

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