The number one indicator of organizational success is company wide commitment to a compelling strategic plan.

Good Leadership aligns organizations around a Compelling Strategic Plan. When the organization is aligned, managers can work on creating the commitment and open accountability required to get to the next level faster and easier. The most effective path to better results begins with the idea: goodness pays.

“You can’t have an effective organization without good leadership.”

– Paul Batz, Founder & CEO, Good Leadership

Strategic Planning

For senior leaders managing professional and technical workforces who are:

Frustrated with a slow moving organization in the face of tougher competition.

Worried the organization is too internally-focused.

Feeling it is time to shake up the annual planning and goal setting process.

Good Leadership Strategic Planning is a research-based, collaborative planning model based on the idea: Involved = Engaged.

The process creates an outside-in, market-focused mindset that increases the competitive spirit of the organization. It increases excitement about the business, and motivation for employees to bring their best to work everyday.

No executive team can stay current on all of the competitive forces of today.

The main reason executive team strategic planning falls short is the speed at which everything changes today. The people who deal with day-to-day market shifts and customer demands are the front line workers, the team leaders, and departmental directors. When executives exclude those people, the organization is flying blind.

Only 54% of teams surveyed for the first time are aligned around a compelling plan and priorities.

With so many teams of teams alive in most organizations today, the idea of “Cascading Communication” is no longer effective.

Employees today won’t fully absorb the most important priorities if they don’t have a voice in shaping them.

Good Leadership Strategic Planning includes:

Creation of a Steering Team of client leaders who share in the design, communication, and follow-through of the program.

Surveys and interviews with multiple stakeholder groups: both internal and external to the company.

Aspirational vision work, using a 20-year, 7-year, 3-year, and 1-year framework.

Multi-layer sub teams of subject matter experts to refine and advance specific topic areas.

Building a Public Scorecard to track the Top 3 Can’t Miss Priorities for the first year in the plan.

Benefits of Strategic Planning:

When more people contribute to the strategic plan, the inherent goodness in the organization grows. As the positivity and belief multiplies, employees begin to feel like they are creating a winning culture together.

Technical employees seek accountability in their work when they believe their ideas are getting a fair hearing with their peers and the executives who drive the business.

Employees at every level who contribute to the plan will have the confidence and the know-how to explain the plan to clients and vendors.

The Good Leadership difference:

Good leadership is the art and science of people working together to create great results. Strategic Planning led by the Good Leadership coaches creates a collaborative, engaging role-model effect for the organization. When employees see executives listening, collaborating, and engaging, employees start to really believe they can thrive together.

Learn more about Good Leadership Strategic Planning today. Contact us to schedule a conversation.

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