4th Grader Changing the World

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Fourth grader Maria Keller is changing the world one book at a time

Good leaders sprout, grow and blossom from the most unlikely places. Maria Keller is firmly planted in a generous pile of books — a compelling platform to change the world…one reader at a time.

Yesterday I wrote my first “guest blog.” How could I resist the heart felt plea of a friend who asked me to add momentum to Maria’s movement. She started a 501C3 called Read Indeed! readindeed.org They are collecting books from people like you and me, and distributing them to kids who are learning to read. As of today, 396,523 books are circulating through the hungry minds of kids who need our help.

Follow this link to read my blog (did you know that I HATED to read as a kid?) www.readindeed.org/blog/

I hope it inspires you to dig through you bookshelves and share your riches. Thank you Maria!


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