Unlocking Potential with the Aspirational Framework: Insights from the Coaches Lunch

Recently, Good Leadership hosted a Coaches Lunch at the Minneapolis office, where we got the chance to share an incredible environment of knowledge and collaboration. Bringing together the community of coaches with years of experience, who are dedicated to the work they do, is always a highlight for the Good Leadership Team.  

The Power of the Aspirational Framework 

At this lunch, the discussion centered around a tool that’s essential for Good Leadership coaching: The Aspirational Framework. This tool is an anchor in our approach, distinguishing coaching from other firms. Coaching at Good Leadership is special, because the coaching here isn’t about “fixing” someone or implying they are broken; it’s about inspiring individuals to think aspirationally about their futures. The Good Leadership Coaches guide them to consider what they want for themselves, personally and professionally, for their teams, and for their organizations.  

The Aspirational Framework encourages coachees to focus on personal and professional goals across different timeframes: 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, and 20 years ahead. It’s a baseline for short- and long-term business planning. The true antidote for a problem is to be aspirational, and it is fundamental to any coaching engagement.  

The Framework Breakdown 

  • 20 years ahead – The Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG): What is your BHAG for how your organization will change the world 20 years from now? 
  • 7 years ahead – The Big Opportunity: What is the Big Opportunity that will change your industry and your organization forever, in a good way? 
  • 3 years ahead – Your Breakthrough Goals: What Breakthrough Goals can you set that are so big, you don’t know how to do it… but if you do it, will change you forever for the better? 
  • 1 year ahead – Our Can’t Miss Priority: What are the Can’t Miss Priorities the team needs to measure with the Public Scorecard this year?  

Dream Big  

Imagining 20 years into the future can be daunting. The year 2044 seems so far away, and the rapid changes in our world such as COVID remind us of its unpredictability. Will your organization still exist? Will you have moved on to a different organization or retired?  

However – looking 20 years ahead gives us the room to dream big. And that’s what Good Leadership Coaches do best – creating the space so you can dream about your life and what it can look like. It’s not only about setting stretch goals for yourself, but also defining a trajectory that inspires and motivates your efforts.  

Email info@goodleadership.com if you would like a copy of this tool, even if it’s just to print out and hang on the wall to keep those aspirations churning.  

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