Do you think ‘Oscar’ knew what he was getting into?

The Oscars are the Superbowl of female fun around our house. Melinda hosts the mother-of-all Oscars parties every year; men are not invited. Its an unbridled, unedited once-a-year celebration of friendship, fun and fashion (another F-word?).

What can we learn from the Oscars? We love traditions, rituals and anything that celebrates excellence in our craft. Especially when the daily news is littered with earthquakes, assaults, improprieties and recession. The simple act of celebrating something (anything?) helps us feel good about ourselves.

And then, its Monday morning again. How can you take the energy of the Oscars into your leadership today? When was the last time you ‘nominated’ someone for an award of excellence, and ‘celebrated’ the accomplishment? As leaders, we are ultimately accountable for deciding what is acceptable within the enterprise we operate. We build the culture we want by either celebrating what really works, or by enforcing the rules. Really Good leaders celebrate the positive, way more than enforcing the rules.

What’s on your agenda today? Is it clear what signs of excellence you are looking for today? Its easier to point out people breaking the rules. Why not host your own version of the Oscars today — or this week — to give out awards for the wonderful things people do to make your enterprise special.

I think ‘Oscar’ would approve.

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