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While observing good leaders grow through the years I’ve noticed one thing that separates the best from the rest: Good leaders understand their “job” is more than just a job. It is a full mind-body-soul commitment to building something special. To maintain that level of commitment, the best leaders know how to get away to relax, refresh, and recharge the batteries.
Seven Fs Retreat
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Three weeks ago, a contingent of good leaders joined Melinda and me for the Seven Fs Executive Retreat in the Palm Springs area of California. It’s a three-day development event designed for couples to strengthen their bond and support system for one another through deep exploration of faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun and future in their leadership.
My coaching colleague Peter Germann framed the retreat like this: “You know how sometimes the only way you can get your iPhone, or your computer to work properly is to simply shut it off?” he mused. “Most of the time that simple act solves my technical problems. This weekend is designed to do the same thing for you, your partnership and your leadership.”
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So the retreat was designed for us to shut off our work, and invest in how the Seven Fs can help us grow. The programming included inspirational dinners, deep-dive workshops, fitness activities in the afternoons and Seven Fs Conversation cards for the time in between. All participants received a personalized Seven Fs Toolkit, and spent time coaching one another about what really works in their lives around the Seven Fs.
The presenting sponsor John Benevides from US Bank Wealth Management capped the experience by sharing his own learning. “The most obvious thing I learned is how important it is to be intentional about the things that are the most important in our lives: faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun and future,” he shared. “When our Seven Fs are strong, we are better leaders.”
The One Thing
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During the closing Champagne Brunch, participants were asked to share “the one thing” they learned from the retreat work that would improve their life and their leadership the most. Many promised to work on fitness, while others talked about strengthening their bonds with family and friends. And others talked about how strengthening their faith life would help them live with less stress, and lead with less fear.
For Melinda and me, it was reassuring to see our mission of spreading goodness through good leaders coming alive in the hearts and minds of couples we truly admire.
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Good leaders take time away from work to refresh, recharge, and relax. And they invest that time in improving their faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun and future – because it makes for better leadership.
Please share with me: Why do you get away from your work?[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]