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Good Leaders: What goals bring out the goodness in you?

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Jodi Harpstead dazzled the Good Leadership Breakfast guests by bringing to life the Breakthrough Goals concepts from her leadership.
Jodi Harpstead dazzled the Good Leadership Breakfast guests by bringing to life the Breakthrough Goals concepts from her leadership.

“Our current thinking limits our ability to accomplish extraordinary things,” explained Jodi Harpstead, CEO of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota. Jodi was the speaker at the Good Leadership Breakfast last Friday, where she shared the secret sauce for her leadership: “At LSS every manager, up through me, has a Breakthrough Goal every year. Breakthrough Goals are so large that we don’t know how to do it, don’t know if it’s possible, but if we could do it, it would be a huge breakthrough for us personally and professionally.”

What we concentrate on grows

If our best energy is consumed by the “to-do” list on our desk, then we watch the list grow and grow without seeing the possibilities on the horizon. Breakthrough Goals are aspirational concepts that bring out the best in leaders.

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Mike Anderson, one of the LSS managers, enjoyed sharing his Breakthrough Goals in the Roundtable Discussion at the breakfast.
Mike Anderson, one of the LSS managers, enjoyed sharing his Breakthrough Goals in the Roundtable Discussion at the breakfast.

At the request of Jodi Harpstead, each LSS manager at the end of the year stands and shares an accounting of what progress s/he made on Breakthrough Goals. “We all share our individual accomplishments with our goal – ‘yes’ or ‘no’ – and if we can’t say ‘yes’, then we share what good things happened because we pursued the goal,” she beamed. “My greatest satisfaction as a leader is in helping and watching the people in our organization achieve Breakthrough Goals.”

The Challenge for us

In a striking turn on her topic, Jodi proudly shared she is inspired by The Goodness Pledge created by our firm, Good Leadership Enterprises. She has the pledge posted in plain sight next to the computer in her office. She challenged the Good Leadership Breakfast guests: “What breakthroughs might happen across our country if everyone took The Goodness Pledge on Inauguration Day in January? Including you?” Then she read The Goodness Pledge from center stage, aloud with confidence:

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Jodi Harpstead, CEO of LSS of Minnesota, shared her excitement about The Goodness Pledge.
Jodi Harpstead, CEO of LSS of Minnesota, shared her excitement about The Goodness Pledge.

Carpe Diem: the world needs me to be a good leader who radiates goodness today.

I choose to be happy because what we concentrate on grows!

I will blend the Seven Fs into my work so I can live with less stress and lead with less fear: faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun and future.

I will role model rewarding excellence, living generously, promoting fairness and spreading positivity.

And I promise to build on the goodness in others so we can all thrive.

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Goodness Pledge Spark-What if you lived with less fear?
Join The Goodness Pledge and start receiving “Sparks” like this, and more inspiration direct to your inbox.

Perhaps signing The Goodness Pledge online here, and living the pledge could be your Breakthrough Goal this year?

Good leaders believe what we concentrate on grows. And they live by breakthrough, aspirational goals to bring out the goodness in their endeavors.

Please follow this link to take The Goodness Pledge, so you can accept Jodi’s challenge.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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