Nothing significant ever happens alone. Never has this phrase been more true than this past Saturday, when our second child, Kathryn Anne Batz, married Maxwell Bowell in front of 220 family and friends. It was the second wedding we’ve hosted in our family in the past 18 months. In July of 2017, our son Ben married Sarah in much the same fashion as Katie and Max. So…what’s this have to do with good leadership?
Hosting a wedding is an extraordinary display of encouragement, accountability, and positive teamwork. The payoff was in the moment when Melinda and I absolutely knew that Katie and Max would thrive together – that’s goodness.
Significance is Seldom Easy

Looking back on both weddings, the process was meaningful and fun – but not easy. Strong people who are creating a shared vision also create sparks of tension. Sometimes the tension surfaces as headaches, tears, and bruised feelings! And then the goodness takes hold, and we keep moving forward.
The purpose of a wedding is for people to come together for a giant warm hug of encouragement, accountability, and positive teamwork. Our society needs healthy marriages, and healthy families to keep hope, generosity, and goodness alive. The ancient wisdom: it takes a village. The modern interpretation: nothing significant ever happens alone.

This morning, life moves on. Katie and Max are flying to Costa Rica for a honeymoon. I’m on an airplane to Los Angeles where I will coach a team of good leaders how to continue spreading goodness. The summary of my experience as the father in two weddings now: I’m so grateful for the endless line of friends and family who continue to show up to help us all thrive. By reading this blog, you are included in my gratitude.

Good leaders know goodness pays, because goodness grows – it’s contagious. And they are grateful for all of the people in their lives who help them thrive.
You can send a congratulatory note to Katie and Max here.