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‘Tis the season to be jolly. Everywhere I go people are wishing one another happy something. Happy Hanukkah. Happy Holidays. Happy Christmas. Yesterday morning, a nice lady at Starbucks even said to me: “Happy Monday!” Yes, I am happy. Have you decided to be happy today?
Positivity is one of the Cornerstones of Goodness, because it leads to good leadership.
Beyond that, happiness has real economic value in the context of business leadership. Happy employees, customers, bankers and vendors help us thrive. As a matter of practical wisdom, have you ever seen happy employees and customers downstream of anger, resentment, bitterness or apathy? Just as happiness is contagious, unhappiness is contagious.
Trading places
Three weeks ago when I was speaking about good leadership in Santiago, Chile, I concluded my message with this context:
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There are roughly 7.2 billion people on planet earth. Less than half of that population has $20 of discretionary income. Far and away, the majority of that 7.2 billion never travel outside the boundary of their state/province/country. A large portion of that population wonders if they have a steady source of food and water.
So how upset can we really get about the elections, the Vikings win/loss record or subzero winter temperatures? Even with all that, don’t you think a lot of those 7.2 billion would change places with us in a heartbeat?
What we concentrate on grows
Here’s the anchor to my point of view: I believe the most important decision we make as leaders every day is to decide to be happy. Yes, we all have bills to pay, deadlines to meet, obligations and burdens. How on earth am I going to find time to buy all of my Christmas presents???
And yet, by virtue of the fact you are reading this blog you are wealthy. Maybe not by the standards of your bloodline or your zip code, but in the context of the population of the planet…every day is the season to be happy.
Good leaders keep their perspective broad enough to recognize their wealth and privilege. And they choose to be happy because it’s contagious.
Please share with me: What makes you happy today?[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]