“I’ve discovered I feel so much better about myself when I spend time helping others,” the man quoted in the article professed. It’s the law of Karma, and reciprocity: when we put out helping energy into the world, it comes back to us in amazing ways. At Good Leadership Enterprises, we believe goodness pays. We call helping others: living generously. And I know it pays.
Goodness is growing
One theme has persisted throughout the 7 years of producing the Good Leadership Breakfast – the more than 13,000 guests have consistently given this offering: I’d like to get more involved. Some buy books, become sponsors or get involved in the Good Leadership Training programs. Others becoming coaching clients. But that’s business. At the core of the I’d like to get more involved message is helping others.

So, this year Melinda and I committed the resources of Good Leadership Enterprises to a Platinum Sponsorship of Lutheran Social Service (LSS) of Minnesota, and together we are creating more ways for the readers of this blog to “get more involved” and help others. Specifically, they need our help at the Community Meals and Food Pantry – it’s a partnership with the non-profit Community Bridge and Messiah Lutheran Church, both of which operate out of the Center For Changing Lives owned by LSS.
Invitation to help others

Melinda and I promised to recruit volunteers to help with the Community Meals and Food Shelf on Saturday morning, June 24, at the Center for Changing Lives. It’s in the Phillips Neighborhood of South Minneapolis – a beacon of bright-eyed immigrant and refugee families who are making their way in America. You’ll start by sharing breakfast with the local community to enhance connection and fellowship with neighbors. Then, you will help approximately 100 local families pack two weeks worth of groceries. Your time is requested from 8AM – Noon.
Goodness grows!
When the families leave, a facilitator will host a Seven Fs discussion, to help make the connections for how helping others increases our satisfaction on faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun and future.
Sign up here by emailing Ben Batz. We need more than a dozen volunteers. If we receive more requests than we can accommodate this first time – we will use a simple lottery to decide.
Good leaders believe living generously is one of the ways goodness pays. And the goodness comes alive when they go out of their way to make life better for more people.
Please share with me: Why do you volunteer?