Good Leadership Breakfast Fall Series: Building a Culture of Healthy Accountability

After a small break for summer activities, the Good Leadership Breakfast is back! This fall, the Breakfast is centered around Building a Culture of Healthy Accountability. Healthy accountability is required for teams-of-teams to consistently deliver the promises in their operating plans. But is the modern, highly collaborative workplace creating fuzzy accountability and executives who are left wondering why?  

What is Healthy Accountability?

Healthy accountability in the workplace is a collective endeavor in which employees encourage one another and find ways to help each other get the most important work done to thrive together. In the collaboration-based, teams-of-teams workplaces of today, healthy accountability has become more elusive. But it’s available to any business, in any industry, as long as leaders consistently think about accountability as bigger than an individual character quality. It requires a system, based on the expectation for positive teamwork. 

And What Makes Accountability “Healthy”?

To make the transition to accountability as a healthy concept, it helps to think of the best team you’ve ever been on. It could be a team you’ve been a part of through work, school, sports, or even your family. No matter the team type, “best teams” are those in which everyone has “skin in the game” and is fiercely committed to an outcome bigger than individual success. Good team members create a healthy spirit where they help one another be accountable for specific behaviors and deliverables because they need one another to succeed. 

Save the Dates for the Fall Good Leadership Breakfasts

Save these dates to hear from two outstanding speakers in the Minneapolis community, including their thoughts on healthy accountability: 

  • September 20 – Ethan Casson, CEO of the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx
  • October 25 – Craig Warren, CEO of Washburn Center for Children

In addition to hearing the leadership journeys and success habits of two highly respected local Chief Executive Officers, attendees will participate in table discussions, live polling, and a 10-minute workshop to elevate their personal leadership and spark conversations that can be brought back to their own organizations. 

Tickets are available for the full series as well as individual breakfasts. See you in September!

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