71% of business leaders are not adjusting their goals because of the COVID-19 crisis. That means we all better start thinking of Breakthrough Goals, and transformational ways to get back on track.
How Goodness Pays
Tomorrow is episode 6 of the Good Leadership Wednesday Webinars. Attendance is growing and we have evidence that attendees are increasing their resilience, and decreasing their fear of the unknown. And most importantly: 74% of the webinar attendees are managers or executives who are increasing their engagement strategies because of these webinars. I can boil down the coaching advice of the past 5 weeks into one pithy bumper sticker: Involved = Engaged.
Therein lies the central concept of the webinar tomorrow – moving from disruption to transformation. Transformational ideas to get to the next level will not succeed if we don’t involve our people in building those strategies. Last week we shared strategies to prepare for the upturn. Participants shared this data from polling in the webinar:
- Half of leaders believe they have a less than 50% chance of delivering on their pre COVID-19 goals.
- The other half believes they have a 78% chance (averaged) to deliver on their pre-existing goals
- 29% are adjusting goals downward – 71% are searching for strategies to get back on track
- Only 51% are engaging their employees in reshaping their goals
McKinsey confirmed that only 26% of transformational strategies deliver the expected results. Why? Mainly, the leadership teams don’t involve enough people in creating the systemic change required for new ideas to stick. I highly recommend Jodi Harpstead’s book: Breakthrough to Goodness as a required reading as we search for new strategies to get back on track.
We’ll reveal the reasons, and specific strategies to increase the odds your transformation will work, tomorrow morning at 9 AM CST. You can register here. If you can’t make it, simply email: info@archivegl.unlabbeta.com and request the Wednesday Webinar slides, episode #6.