Healthy Accountability Research Report

In 2023, Founder and CEO Paul Batz and the Good Leadership Coaches were continuously hearing from clients that while employee satisfaction is up, accountability is down. With the increase of technology, accessibility to information, and the increase of HR-influence employee well-being, it is a great time to be an employee. However, the C-Suite was not seeing an increase in accountability to match this more flexible work environment. Why? What could make a difference in improving Healthy Accountability in organizations today?

The Healthy Accountability Research project began in February 2024. After 8 months of collecting data through a Steering Team, 150+ qualitative interviews, and 4,000+ surveys, Chief Learning Officer Kevin Sensenig and his team sifted through the data and extracted the key learnings: implications for the Organization, Team, and Individual levels and elements within each of those.

So, how do you make meaningful change in your organization? This full research report will cover the project’s findings in great detail and kickstart you and your organization on the Pathway to Healthy Accountability™.



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