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Reflect on your journey

Happy New Year! We trust that you had a delightful and rejuvenating holiday season. 

At the beginning of each year, the prospect of setting fresh goals emerges, promising a year filled with personal and professional triumphs. Before diving into new objectives, let’s pause and reflect on the journey of 2023. 

Reflecting on 2023

Grab a pen and some paper, and take a moment to write down everything you achieved, goal or not. Celebrate your victories and what you’ve accomplished in just 365 days. How much ground have you covered since the wrap of 2022? What are some new skills, lessons learned, or remarkable individuals you encountered on your journey in 2023 – those who played a pivotal role in realizing your aspirations? Allow yourself to feel proud, if only for just a moment. It’s amazing what we can do once we set our minds to something.  

Setting goals is important in the new year, but it’s also about recognizing and appreciating the milestones already achieved to build momentum going into 2024.   

To delve deeper into your personal and professional development, goal reflection, and taking mindful pauses, consider joining us at the Good Leadership Breakfast. Our spring series theme is “The Magic of Managers”, promising to provide you with exciting development tools and conversations to start your year off right.  

To purchase your spring series ticket for the Good Leadership Breakfast, click here.   

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