What do you see for Thanksgiving next year?

With full belly and warm soul this morning, I’m feeling both satisfied and inspired on Black Friday. Melinda is out deal-hunting. Katie and a friend already hit the GAP sale at 4AM, and now they’re sleeping again. In this quiet hour, I’m rejecting the glossy ads and reflecting.

One year ago, our son Ben was half way around the world in Varanasi, India — spreading his wings. And, Melinda and I were spreading our wings as well. We held hands and prayed around the Thanksgiving table for a smooth entry into our new business. Practically, with two kids in college and a waning economy, we were hoping to find a few small gusts of trade winds in our new sails.

Fast-forward to yesterday. All the kids were home. Heidi Batz Rogers set a beautiful table, full of family and friends, decorated with turkey and all the dressings. We shared our thanks for today and our hopes for the future. Each of the kids were given a blank check — for a small amount — to share our good fortune with people who need our help. Its our small way of reminding our offspring that the world will someday be theirs. Soon.

After one year in business, I’m expecting to be here next year too! But only with your help. Please reply to me: What will your Thanksgiving table look like next year? And what positive momentum will you bring as your gift?

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