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Two weeks ago, I posted this blog – only to discover a technical glitch “teased the reader” by showing just the first of five recommended books. I was very grateful to receive so many requests to resend the blog…. so here it is! Please take a minute to read my recommendations and then send me yours!
Originally posted: August 6th.
“Up at the lake,” is a richly descriptive phrase for summer bliss. The activities shift as the kids grow…but the central concept of ‘up at the lake’ means time for things like summer reading.
The loosely organized stack of books on our living room leather ottoman serves as an I-want-to-read-these-soon file. It’s my modern library with magnetic titles – some just for fun, others for spiritual, competitive or professional development. As a leadership coach, people often ask me for reading recommendations to spark fresh thinking and growth.
It’s August now, and I’m up at the lake! If you can make time for just one or two more summer morsels, here are five recommendations you may consider:
#1 Earlier this summer I shared my grieving over the loss of my hero Vince Flynn. His latest novel American Assassin is a work of art. Warning: if you read this one as your first, you will have to make time to read the other 13… Each Vince Flynn title we own has made it through the hands of friends and family, many times over.
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#2 A client and friend recommended Chasing Daylight. It is Eugene O’Kelly’s autobiographical detail of the last 100 days of his life. His artful mastery over his own fear, and his ability to find and cherish “perfect moments” moved me to immense joy, sadness and then joy again. An unforgettable reading experience – one that made me want to be a better person.
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#3 A magazine: The Intelligent Optimist, was recommended to me by my son two years ago. It’s a refreshing look at human growth through both Western and Eastern lenses. Equally spiritual and scientific, it’s never disappointing. The fact that I eagerly await the next issue is the main reason I recommend it to you. Read it online now, and buy a hard copy at Barnes & Noble.
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#4 In the same category as Dale Carnegie and Ken Blanchard, Og Mandino writes timeless treasures of inspiration. The Greatest Salesman in the World, has almost nothing to do with sales, or business – it’s a simple, thought-provoking book on how living with goodness in every endeavor returns that goodness many times over. Christians will find the historical setting familiar, while others will be equally drawn to the Salesman’s Prayer. You will finish this book in a couple of hours and savor it’s message long after.
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#5 Golfers, this book is an absolute must-read. Pia Nilsson & Lynn Marriott are the psychologists who helped Annika Sorenstam reach her potential as a world-class golfer, and an outstanding role model for humanity. Their lesson about “post-shot routine” applies to any endeavor, golf or otherwise…“If you can’t find something positive to say, forget it and move on to the next shot.” Grandma would approve of their philosophy.
Good leaders make a habit of reading to invest in themselves. And they find joy in recommending the scrumptious morsels for others to savor.
Will you please send me your summer reading morsels? If you send me a two sentence recommendation, I’ll pass it along.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]