Where were you ten years ago this week? It’s a relevant question, because this Friday is the 80th Good Leadership Breakfast. That means we’ve been hosting the conversation about how Goodness Pays for good leaders for ten years now. Looking back on the past decade has me asking the question: Where will we be ten years from now?
The Power of a Wish

To stimulate our conversation about the future, we are honored to host our good friend, Richard Davis – former CEO of U.S. Bank, and currently CEO of Make-A-Wish America – as our speaker. Specifically, we are celebrating the role of hope in our lives as we consider “what’s possible?” for one another.
Richard is channeling his vast experiences, personal contacts, and his infinite well of positivity for the benefit of children who have a critical illness. Since 1980, the Make-A-Wish organization has been adding credibility to the healing powers of focusing on one true wish in the lives of children and their families who are living a critical illness. Physicians, families, and caregivers enthusiastically agree – the hope associated with dreaming about and planning for a wish can be life-changing. And life-giving.

Here’s the connection to goodness and good leadership. Goodness is when people thrive together in a culture of encouragement, accountability, and positive teamwork. Good leaders know how to accept the realities of the here-and-now while creating a realistic sense of hope about the future. It’s the power of aspirational thinking that brings people together and moves people forward, in sickness and in health.
Bucket List Moment
The leadership development exercises on Friday will begin with an accounting of our satisfaction on The Seven Fs Wheel: faith, family, finances, friends, fun, and future. And we’ll dive deep into increasing the “future” score for everyone in the room. That includes distributing fresh copies of The Bucket List Book I wrote with Mark Bergman to stimulate bold “what’s possible?” thinking.
So, will you please do yourself a favor, and ponder: Where will I be ten years from now?
Take note of the boost of positivity you feel, and the regenerative powers of the hope that runs through your veins. And when you share it with others, you will be spreading goodness.
Here’s to another ten years!