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Metropolitan, full of people

Secure Your Spot at the Good Leadership Conference

You will only find two Good Leadership Breakfasts on the calendar this fall – because something exciting is in store: The Good Leadership Conference.  

On Friday, November 22, The Good Leadership Conference will punctuate the year-long Accountability Research Project spearheaded by Good Leadership and a Steering Team of organizations from across the country.  

Attendees will participate in a world-class experience, including interactive audience response research, panel discussions, and workshops with new healthy accountability tools. And, of course it’s Good Leadership, so you know the event will be fun! You will be treated to exceptional live music, fantastic food catered by D’Amico, and a vibrant happy hour.  

Why Are We Doing This?

Our mission is to spread goodness because we have proven: goodness pays. Goodness in business is when people thrive together in a culture of encouragement, accountability, and positive teamwork. There is no goodness without accountability – accountability is the glue. Our clients are asking: Can we re-think accountability?  

Why Participate?

  • Be one of the first to learn the “secrets” to healthy accountability.  
  • Peer-to-peer workshops.  
  • Positivity boost: live music & fun.  
  • Start a movement around healthy accountability.  
  • Branding for your employees, organizations, and clients.  

How Can You Be in the Room?

Participation in the Good Leadership Conference allows your organization to pioneer a new era defined by healthy accountability. Tables are limited, so ensure your organizations spot in the conference by emailing Jill (  

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