I live and work in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area of Minnesota. It’s the bold north! And while I really love raising a family and growing a business in the land of four seasons, I get kind of depressed this time of year. Mood and tone are crucial to good leadership. That’s why this morning I’m creating a strategy to seize the summer – a Carpe Diem strategy before the leaves fall and the snow flies, to ensure I stay happy and positive.
The phrase Carpe Diem means “Seize the Day.” It’s attributed to the Roman poet Horace and can be traced back to the year 23 b.c. That means, for roughly 2042 years, anyone who lives in a northern climate has been creating “Carpe Diem” strategies to prepare for the loss of summer. What I like about the Carpe Diem mentality is that it’s not passive. It’s an offensive mindset to grab hold of what I like the most about summer, and MAKE SURE it happens, before it’s too late.
The Seven Fs – a Carpe Diem framework
Followers of this blog know I ascribe to The Seven Fs: faith, family, finance, fitness, friends, fun & future, as a framework for goodness in leadership. And, I believe we can grow as much in our satisfaction on The Seven Fs at work, as we do in our personal life. Tens of thousands of leaders we’ve touched over the past nine years have grown in their ability to fight back the darkness, and bring their best selves to work…because they take a Carpe Diem approach to The Seven Fs.

That means my family and I are making plans for The Minnesota State Fair, more golf, dinners on the deck, landscaping in our new backyard, walks & bike rides. It’s good for my soul. And I think it helps me be a better leader.
What’s your Carpe Diem strategy to ensure you are making the most of your summer?