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This week, we have some time off with family. That’s why I tuned into an important conversation on a local radio talk show. The interviewer asked three panelists: “What’s the best way to talk about politics with your family over the holidays?” The first two offered politically-correct, crappy advice. The third panelist gave the best answer: “Don’t talk about it.”
“There’s nothing to gain,” he replied. “Holidays are made for enjoying our families and creating happy memories we can share forever. Why venture into any subject that’s going to mess that up!?”
My prayer for the holidays
The first survey we did to learn about the Seven Fs was in 2009. We asked how Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness, Friends, Fun and Future is alive in the hearts and minds of leaders like you. From that first survey – and in every survey since – we learned leaders are most satisfied with their “Family” of their Seven Fs. I find that wonderfully fascinating.
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My prayer is that you can ignore the polarization of the recent elections this week. I hope you can look past the headlines about whatever is getting under your skin. And you can keep your wits about you to avoid taking the bait from your dad/brother/sister/in-laws that will send your holiday gathering into a cat fight.
Celebrate the moment
Ah yes…but the free-flowing wine makes it hard to ignore family members’ voting history and the endless news cycle of atrocities pinging the device in your pocket. What else is there to talk about?
Perhaps the most basic goodness is to keep the peace as you gather with your family. No matter what. It’s a huge blessing to share the wealth of our time, our money and our love of one another over the holidays. How can your opinion about how anything be more important than that?
Good leaders recognize family gatherings are rare. And they savor the moment by keeping the peace.
Please share with me: What will be your technique for keeping the peace this week?[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]