Imagine this: one day you learn your nineteen year-old son has suffered catastrophic head injuries from a skateboarding accident. And when he dies, you dedicate your life to helping young people find happiness. To me, that’s a story of spreading goodness.

Marc Miller is the speaker at the Good Leadership Breakfast on Friday, March 17. When his son Gunnar died, he founded The Gunnar Project – a non-profit organization with the mission: connecting young adults (actually everyone) to happiness. It’s an amazing story of faith and good leadership in action. Tickets are nearly sold out, register here until they are gone.
Since 1996, Marc and his partners have been building and growing a thriving IT services company called Imagine IT. It’s a firm that prides itself in serving clients who have hair-on-fire IT problems with staff members who are truly happy. It was during that journey that Marc was thrust into the grieving process over the loss of his son.
Launching into the Seven Fs with Faith

What Marc learned through the painful passing of his son, is that his faith came alive in his leadership. That meant taking action on his life’s purpose — to spread happiness in Gunnar’s name. “I’ve never been a deeply religious or spiritual person. But when Gunnar died, I had this deep sense of calm that he was OK, and I would see him again,” Marc shared. And what happened next has been good for everyone around him.
“Immediately after Gunnar died, our family was overwhelmed by cards and letters from people who told us how Gunnar made them happy. It was his gift to the world,” Marc explained. “So we dedicated our lives to ensuring our own happiness, and to help others learn to experience true happiness.”

Their outreach touches students with workshops, keynote speeches, and learning materials to teach the idea that true happiness is a journey, and it’s more than buying that new pair of trendy jeans that all the other kids have.
Today, Marc’s title at Imagine IT is Chief Happiness Officer – he wants employees and clients to feel his happiness in their ongoing relationship with the firm.
Personally, I am grateful to Marc for agreeing to be our speaker on the subject of “faith.” Faith is loud and bold for some, and very quiet to others. In may situations, talking faith at work can be tricky. Marc Miller is special. I hope you can join us to feel his happiness first-hand.

Good leaders find hope and focus on life’s brutal truths. And they understand the most important decision we make is to choose happiness. No matter what.
Please share with me: How does your faith create happiness around you?
Please join us for breakfast – just a few tickets left.