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Whether you know it or not, the comments you share are shaping our point of view and how we are approaching the Goodness Pays book project. Here’s a vivid example:
Subject line: COMMENT
The subject line only read: COMMENT. The body of the email simply said: What are you an F’in Do-Gooder? That was all.
The obvious cliche’ was to connect my intellectual property around The Seven Fs: faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun and future to my passion for goodness. It definitely caught my attention – would it catch yours?
The sender name was unfamiliar. I tried to reply and ask: What do you mean? All that came back was an AOL bounce-back message. The hollow exchange sparked a self-talk debate inside my head. And that dialogue continues with some of the initial interviews:
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Am I am F’in Do-Gooder? Probably. Why does it feel weird to say? If not, then why not? Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?
If I’m not an F’in Do-Gooder, then what does that make me: an F’in Do-Badder? That just sounds bad. Really selfish. That’s not good! I really do believe goodness is the best intention in leadership and business. And that goodness pays.
Writing something important
Since then, I have written, spoken and coached around the idea of goodness in leadership and business. And when our writing coach, Sean McDonnell, suggested I start the introduction to the book with the What are you an F’in Do-Gooder? line…well, I just smiled. It feels good to be honoring the comment from an anonymous emailer – someone whose intentions I don’t know.
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So, what do you think?
What does it mean to you to be an “F’in Do-Gooder?”
If you’d rather not share your ideas with others by commenting on this site, email me privately – I want to hear from you.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]