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Please spread the news about National Goodness Pays Day

On Saturday, November 18, the Good Leadership team will share a LinkedIn post about something special: November 18, will be forever known as National Goodness Pays Day. Here’s how that came to be:

The organization effectiveness firm Good Leadership began back in November of 2009 – in the depths of the Great Recession. Shortly after that birth date, I hosted a breakfast conversation with business owners and executives whose businesses, and livelihoods, were in perilous conditions to discuss the question: “Do you still believe goodness pays?”  73 people showed up.

Living the mission – pursuing the vision

The breakfast discussion was so powerful we carved our mission in stone: “Our mission is to spread goodness, through good leaders because [we’ve proven] Goodness Pays.” It should be noted that [we’ve proven] was added later, because in 2009 we hadn’t yet “proven” our point of view with research.

As 2019 rolled around, we prepared to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Good Leadership. That created a moment of pause, where we took the time to sharpen the vision. “The Vision of Good Leadership is the idea “goodness pays” will outlive our firm, because our clients are winning in their marketplace, and unapologetic in their belief that goodness pays.”

The vivid words: “outlive our firm,” and “unapologetic” have spurred transformational thinking about the future. That’s what good vision statements do!

Significant milestone: November 18, 2022

Readers of this blog know our passion and commitment for getting good leaders together through the Good Leadership Breakfast Series. A year ago this week, we hosted the 100th episode of the breakfast, which featured 67 of the past 89 speakers in attendance that day.

One of the highlights was provided by our friend and client Jennifer Myster, HealthPartners, who announced the news: the Good Leadership team worked with the National Archive Registry to secure and declare November 18 forevermore as National Goodness Pays Day.  We are living our vision, isn’t that fun!

So this Saturday, look for the LinkedIn post to commemorate the special day…and please spread the news – because we’re all compelled to spread goodness. Because goodness pays.

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