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What do you need to let rest?

This publication is one of my favorites: a wide-ranging commentary on Blending the Seven Fs: faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun, and future.

When you take a beef loin off the grill before a feast, you leave it alone for a while to let it rest. When you reach the first plateau on the way to the summit, you stop for a moment to rest. That’s what I’m doing now with this blog; I’m taking a break to rest.

Ten years ago, I started blogging as a way to express my point of view about leadership:

  • Nothing significant ever happens alone.
  • Great things happen when good leaders work together with good intentions.
  • Good leaders think less about work/life balance – and more about blending the Seven Fs: faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun, and future.
  • The highest performing teams are people who care about each other, both personally and professionally – and because they care, they build plans and solve problems together.
  • Goodness pays when people thrive together in a culture of encouragement, accountability, and positive teamwork.
Paul Hillen was the key partner in identifying How Goodness Pays. This photo is our keynote presentation of our research.

To breathe life into this point of view, we started the Good Leadership Breakfast Series. With the enthusiastic support of sponsors who believed in our message, we hosted 80 meetings over ten years – including more than 19,000 guests, who contributed more than $315,000 to charities through the Bucket of Goodwill.

During that same 10-year period of Good Leadership Enterprises, Melinda and I put three kids through college, hosted two weddings, moved to a new house, and buried two of our parents. Our team wrote five books and fully served 73 clients. It was satisfying in ways that I tried to describe in 549 email-delivered blog posts. Just reading this makes happy and tired!

Richard Davis, CEO of Make-A-Wish America, capped off our 10th year of programming at the Good Leadership Breakfast Series.

Now, this week of Thanksgiving, I’m looking ten years into the future. And today, there’s only one thing I know for sure: I need to let this blog rest.

Thank you for reading. And thank you for your understanding. Watch your email for something to come from Good Leadership Enterprises after the first of the year.

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