A recent story in the Non Profit Times chronicles the generosity of people in US cities who donate money online. http://www.nptimes.com/10Feb/news-100201-1.html
We’ve chosen Minneapolis as our home, largely because our city is continually at or near the top on this list. Philanthropy is a personal value and a social virtue. And at its core, giving our money just feels good!
I worry a bit about online giving, only because others can’t see you giving. Followers are always watching — and its good for them to see you giving. Consider publishing a note every once in awhile, summarizing the philanthropic efforts of your firm, your family or yourself. It’s not boasting – its leading by example.
Finally, a big shout of THANKS to everyone who donated to Haiti relief by sponsoring my icy plunge into Fish Lake in January. I raised more than $1200 in 48 hours, all online! You were very generous…10 bucks at a time.
Just another example of how good things happen, when good people ask for Good deeds.