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I don’t know if this wives tale is true or not: Did you know the average American gains one pound per year for the rest of their lives after the age of 40? That’s crazy! But now that I think of it…I’m 53 years old, and I weigh 17 pounds more than I did when I was 40. That sucks. What will I look like 20 years from now?
What we concentrate on grows
Yesterday at the Good Leadership Enterprises staff meeting we used our Seven Fs Discussion Cards with topics around faith, family, finances, fitness, friends, fun and future as a catalyst for team building. Funny…my card asked:
Which of the Seven Fs is most difficult for you to meet your own expectations?
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“FITNESS!,” I snorted.
For me, it’s harder than all of the other six combined.
That’s why several members of my family and I ran the Turkey Day 5K in downtown Minneapolis hosted by Lifetime Fitness. More than 15,000 registered participants ran, walked or gobbled their way through the streets of historic Minneapolis.
The strategy is obvious: get up early and run off some calories before the Thanksgiving gorging begins. Here’s another wives tale: The average American gains seven pounds from Thanksgiving through New Years Day. That’s because we just can’t lay off the cream cheese and Velveeta Cheese chili dips. Are you following me?
Never ending challenge
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Even though this picture is NOT my belly – I feel like it because my dress shirts don’t fit very well.
After losing nearly 20 pounds for my TEDx Talk earlier this year in April, I’m gaining again. It’s uber-frustrating because my athletic endurance is excellent – I hardly broke a sweat over the Turkey Day 5K run. But my belly just keeps growing.
So today, I’m determined to turn back the hands of time. Melinda and I are preparing for a Seven Fs Executive Retreat in late January, and a wedding in the summer of 2017. We are embracing our fitness challenge by Blending the Seven Fs in ways that will make us feel better and make us better leaders too. Things like the Turkey Day 5K for me was blending family, fitness, friends, fun and future – a good day!
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Good leaders use the Seven Fs as an important measurement of the things that are most important in life. And they find ways to improve fitness by Blending the Seven Fs, because it feels good to feel good.
Please share with me: How does your fitness feel today?
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