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Investing in women leaders is good for business

The Good Leadership Executive Coaching Roundtable for Women Leaders is good for business.

The consistent subject of this blog is “goodness pays.” Goodness is when people thrive together in a culture of encouragement, accountability, and positive teamwork. Goodness doesn’t skew male or female – it’s an equal opportunity concept. But, we all know in the current state of affairs, women leaders don’t yet have equal opportunity – or equal compensation. Even if we skip past the fairness issues, research shows when companies consciously develop female leaders and have more women in executive roles, their financial results exceed industry averages. In other words, it “pays” to coach women leaders into more responsibility.

Booster-shot of goodness

About ten times a year the energy level at the Good Leadership headquarters, rises to peak levels. It’s because the Executive Coaching Roundtable for Women Leaders is meeting in the Aspiration Suite. At times, the outburst of laughter is so spontaneous, we wonder…What on earth are they doing? Here’s exactly what they are doing.

Under the direction Nancy Weidenfeller, a Good Leadership senior coaching associate, a dozen senior executive women are sharpening their leadership skills, together. The are mastering the art of encouragement, accountability, and positive teamwork required to help people thrive together as leaders. “Honestly, coaching this group of incredible women is one of the most satisfying things I’ve done over the course of my career,” Nancy explained.

Personal branding and influence are important topic areas to help goodness pay for women leaders.

Nothing significant happens alone

It’s the intensity of the peer-group format that creates the focus – they are practicing, real-time, what it takes to speak up, influence, and be intellectually honest in learning how to get better. The opportunity to learn from women in different roles, who work in different business models, increases the value each leader takes back to their work.

Subject matter experts enhance the coaching experience. Paul Hillen, co-author of How Goodness Pays, frequently attends the meetings.

“I love the peer group format. It’s great to have a facilitator who provides structure for us to learn from each other. The monthly meetings, the retreat, and the coaching buddies keep my own development in the front of my mind, instead of on the back burner. It’s terrific!”

– Jenn Myster, President, Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital

As the sun sets on another year, many leaders pause for reflection and ponder, “What’s next in our careers?” We think it’s wise for business owners and executives to invest in women leaders. Better yet, the research proves investing in women leaders will improve your bottom line. Follow this link to learn more about how this Good Leadership program can work for you.

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