Summer is over and we’re staring at the end of another year. It’s the time of year we jump-start our annual aspirations. Are you set up to finish strong? Maybe you have a nagging feeling that something is not quite right.
Good leadership is about building a team of people who care about each other and work together in building plans and solving problems. A good team is the only way to create great results. So the question for today: Is your team set up to finish the year strong?
It’s never too late to give your team a booster shot of energy. It’s the best thing to do, because we all know nothing significant every happens alone! The best teams thrive on alignment, commitment, and open accountability. Here are three things you can do this week to make mid-course corrections, and jump-start your teamwork:
When leaders are aligned, it’s easier to get commitment and open accountability. Check for alignment: Ask everyone on your team two questions, “What are you excited about, that we can accomplish together by the end of the year?” And, “What is our biggest challenge, something we need to tackle together?
- Check for commitment: “What one personal development goal can this team help you work on, to increase your joy in your work, and your effectiveness for our team?
- Create open accountability: “What goals can we track together, to ensure we win together?”
The busy season
At Good Leadership, we coach good leadership teams through the transformations required to reach the next level of performance. Typically, our client work surges in the fall to help with these important challenges:
- Tackle a tough nagging issue that’s hurting performance
- Energy boost to overcome the back-to-school, back-to-business burnout
- Mid-course corrections to make the best of your financials
- Begin business planning for the new year with a fresh perspective
Call me – or send an email – if you need help. But do it soon, because our calendars are bursting with good work, with good leaders like you!